Authentication Services
Services relating to authentication on the website.
Building Conservation Areas
Services for searching conservation areas for building development.
Car Parks
Services for searching and listing Herefordshire council car parks.
Search for cemeteries.
Clinical Waste Collection Service
Details for clinical waste collections.
Community Toilets
Search for community toilets.
Constraints for all wind turbine sizes
Data related to the Constraints for all wind turbine sizes
Council buildings
List council buildings.
Domestic Waste and Recycling
Services providing details of domestic waste and recycling information.
Domestic Waste and Recycling
Services providing details of domestic waste and recycling information.
EcoRegen service
Find My Nearest
Find the nearest searvices to an address.
FloodProjects service
GIS Services
GIS helper services providing some useful functionality.
Grips and Gullies
A collection of services related to Grips and Gullies.
HCC Secondary Solar Constraints
Data related to the HCC Secondary Solar Constraints
Herefordshire Administration Services
Information about Herefordshire Administative functions including electoral data such as wards, parishes, pollling districts and polling stations.
Herefordshire Councillors
A collection of services relating to Herefordshire councillors.
Herefordshire Electoral Services
Information about Herefordshire electoral polling districts and stations.
Herefordshire Highway Defects
Highways defects including potholes and streetlights in Herefordshire.
Herefordshire Parishes
A collection of services related to Herefordshire parishes.
Herefordshire Settlements
Data on settlements including the city, towns and villages.
Herefordshire Wards
A collection of services related to Herefordshire wards.
Job Advert Associated Documents
Various services for retrieving and checking the size of documents related to a job advert.
Lanscape Designations
Data relating to Natural England landscape designations including areas of outstanding natural beauty and sites of special scientific interest.
Local Nature Reserve Strategies
Data related to the Local nature reserve strategies
LocalPlan service
Monument centroids and polygons based on their IDs.
Museum data services.
OpenData Services
The services that enable the OpenData service user interface.
Page Rating Services
Services to enable the page rating feedback to be collected and show on the website.
Planning Applications
A collection of services to retrieve information regarding planning applications including their spatial data.
Planning Applications
A collection of services to retrieve information regarding planning applications including their spatial data.
Planning Constraints Renewables Solar
Data related to the Planning Constraints Renewables
Primary Care Networks
Data for Herefordshire Primary Care Networks.
Property Services
Data relating to property services in Herefordshire.
Property Services
Data relating to property services in Herefordshire.
Property Services Establisments
Services relating to all property services establishments including schools, smallholdings, industrial units, commons, lakes, greens, sports fields, woodlands and other public spaces.
Public Rights of Way
Data relating to public rights of way in Herefordshire.
Research Wards
Research data for Herefordshire wards.
Information about schools in Herefordshire
Secondary Constraint Wind Services
Data related to the Secondary Constraints wind services
Secondary Opportunity Solar
Data related to the solar secondary opportunities
Secondary Opportunity Wind
Data related to the Wind secondary opportunities
Solar PV Output
Data related to the solar power voltage output - No Yield in these areas
solar TP and constraints
Data related to the solar Technical Potentials and Constraints
Trade Waste Collection Service
Details for trade waste collections.
Website Helper Services
Various helper services related to the website.
World War I Commemoration Service
Data on world war I war graves and memorials.