Herefordshire Council OpenData
FloodProjects service
Flood Projects Points
Shows all the Flood Project Points
Route: /floodprojects/floodprojectspoints
Licence: Open Government Licence v2Contains Herefordshire Council data © 2025.
View the licence at using this data, you are accepting the licence specified above and you should ensure that you do the following:
- Acknowledge the copyright and the source of the data by including the same attribution statement listed above.
- Include the same acknowledgement requirement in any sub-licences of the data that you grant, and a requirement that any further sub-licences do the same.
Flood Projects Polygons
Shows all the Flood Project Polygons
Route: /floodprojects/floodprojectspolygons
Licence: Open Government Licence v2Contains Herefordshire Council data © 2025.
View the licence at using this data, you are accepting the licence specified above and you should ensure that you do the following:
- Acknowledge the copyright and the source of the data by including the same attribution statement listed above.
- Include the same acknowledgement requirement in any sub-licences of the data that you grant, and a requirement that any further sub-licences do the same.